Sunday, November 9, 2008

This is where it starts

So, after a long weekend of trying to make myself feel better, it’s 11 o’clock and still I can’t sleep because my mind is racing. I’m finding that M’s reason for breaking up with me (the fact that I have two cats) is a little more than just disturbing. I bet it would have settled in better if he had just given me a normal excuse like the other men do. Now I have to sit here and wonder what in the hell is wrong with me (as usual) that freaks men out. So now I’ve just been dumped for the fourth time this year and I feel as though it may be way past time for a change. After enjoying my Jimmy and Jeremy sandwich at Cadillac Ranch on Saturday, I am starting to see the light in being a single somewhat attractive female…yeay! My wild night out was then followed by a usual Sunday visit to R’s. What is R? Not a boyfriend, nor a date, just this guy I’ve known since college who I guess enjoys my company when it suits him. Not complaining, just stating the obvious.

So those of you reading right now are probably wondering how in the world a teacher has all of this happening. Yes folks, it’s true, teachers do have a life. I know it’s hard to believe but we do not all sit around married with kids going to bed at nine with our happy little lives. I do like to go to the club and show off my boobs every once in a while and yes I will take a drink with my dinner. Why is it that because I’m a teacher, I can’t do the same things as you? Does not mean my teaching will be worse because I like to enjoy myself. I swear sometimes I wonder if these parents aren’t a little over the top. Okay off of that for now.

Back to my big change. I think I may need to move to the wonderful town of Chicago. Supposedly it has a lot to offer a lost soul like me. Young professional men, nightlife, culture, diversity, and my favorite public transportation. Not driving would be a dream come true! Hmmm, I believe I will start looking into it starting tom. Can I really make this happen? We will see, we will see.

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